Friday, April 20, 2012

Strong Performance from My Downline Distributors

My new downline distributors are serious about their business. They have been doing retailing  very well from the way they have been ordering the product eXfuze Seven+. So much so that I was promoted to Bronze Director effective for the week that ended on 17th April, 2012, Tuesday Midnight Central Time in the USA, equivalent to about noon time on Wednesday in Malaysia. With that "promotion" I enjoyed three types of bonuses: 1. Pacesetter Bonus. 2. Binary Bonus. 3. Director Match Bonus. It was a big sum, considering it being my first compensation since I joined this business ONLY one month ago.

It was a thrilling experience. Alhamdulillah.

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Distributors

Syukur Alhamdulilah,

Four new Distributors signed up in my team in  one day. 

eXfuze Seven+ VS MonaVie

Berikut adalah Perbandingan Antara eXfuze Seven+ VS Monavie:

1. ekstrak VS jus

2. penggunaan harian 22.5ml VS 100ml

3. penggunaan bulanan 1 botol VS 4 botol

4. kos bulanan RM119 VS RM560

5. 10 Superfood termasuk Acai Berry VS Acai Berry + 18 campuran buah biasa

6. boleh diminum semua manusia tanpa diskriminasi (bayi, ibu hamil, pesakit buah pinggang hemodialysis) VS TIDAK bayi, TIDAK ibu hamil, TIDAK pesakit buah pinggang hemodialysis.

7. 100% semulajadi TANPA bahan sintetik VS pekatan

8. pengawet semulajadi asas-buah VS Sodium Benzoate pengawet sintetik bahan kimia bahaya - agen barah

9. Menerajui teknologi ekstrak - R&D berterusan supaya Seven+ kekal No. 1 dalam pasaran. Seven+ Classic sekarang adalah generasi ke3. Generasi ke4 Jun 2012

10. Plan Pampasan eXfuze terbaik di pasaran 55% bayaran

11. eXfuze masih di peringkat USD30M setahun, masih besar PELUANG VS MonaVie sudah melepasi tahap kritikal USD1B 2010


New Distributers

Three new distributors joined our team yesterday. Alhamdulilah.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Move Over The Rest of You ....

Move over Vemma, Move over Mona Vie, Move over Zangosteen, Move over Nutrilites, Move Over Usana. Move over the old rest of you.

Now we have this new and fantastic product in the form of exFUZE SEVEN+, the wonder extracts of 7 juices and 4 more of super botanical foods.

Ordered Another two bottles of eXfuze Seven+


A cousin,  was so impressed by the effects of the eXfuze Seven+ on us that she bought a bottle from us. We had been taking 1 oz of the wonder juice every day for just 3 weeks. Our cousin noticed that we (my wife and I)  looked healthy and clean-faced, she decided to try it herself.

We both have Diabetes class 2, and noticed that our blood sugar readings have inproved.

We are glad that we have been taking eXfuze Seven+ regularly. We had to order another two bottles for ourselves from the company in malaysia. This can be done both by the conventional submission of order form or by online order. I prefered the online method which is simple and fast.


 Sepupu kepada isteri saya kagum dengan kesan eXfuze Seven+ ke atas kami. Dia membeli satu botol  eXfuze Seven+ dari kami. Saya dan isteri sudah mengamalkan meminum 1 oz Jus eXfuze Seve+ ini setiap hari semenjak tiga minggu yang lalu. Sepupu kami itu perasan bahawa kesihatan kami telah berubah, kulit muka, lengan dan kami telah berubah menjadi putih besih.

Kami rasa gembira dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan kami telah meminum exFuze Seven+ 1 oz setiap hari semenjak tiga minggu yang lalu. Saya telah tempah 2 botol lagi untuk kami. Ini boleh di lakukan samada dengan cara biasa menggunakan borang tempahan atau melalui on-line. Saya pilih cara on-line sebab ia mudah dan cepat.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Power of Seven Plus

Extract from Seven Power Fruits in terms of  high nutrient content and high value. This Health Product and high power food supplements consist of GAC, Acai, Goji, Noni, Fucoidan, Mangosteen, Seabuckthorn - Plus Permanganate, Wild Blueberry, Aloe Vera and Wain Concord.

Furher Information:

Maklumat Lanjut:

Kuasa Seven Plus - The Power of eXfuze Seven+

Perahan dari tujuh jenis buah "power" dari segi kandungan zat dan nutrien nya. Produk kesihatan ini  terdiri dari buah-buahan GAC, Acai, Goji, Noni, Fucoidan, Mangis, Seabuckthorn - Bersama-sama dengan (Plus) Delima, Wild Blueberry, Aloe Vera dan Wain Concord.

Furher Information:

Maklumat Lanjut:

Kata kunci:
GAC, Acai, Goji, Noni, Fucoidan, mangosteen, Seabuckthorn -
bersama-sama dengan Delima, permanganate, Wild Blueberry, Aloe Vera dan anggur Concord.